Thursday, March 26, 2015

Dehydrated Pineapple

Dehydrated Pineapple

 This weekend I dehydrated some pineapples to make a yummy, healthy snack, perfect for those sweet tooth cravings I tend to get. When the pineapple is dried, the natural sugars come out. I didn't dry it completely so the strips are still rubbery a bit, almost like fruit leather. An awesome snack for kids! My husband loves to munch on these!
I sliced up 2 pineapples and that was more than enough to fill the 4 trays I have with my dehydrator, there was a little left over to munch on. As you can see in the picture, I sliced it in long, thin strips. You can slice it anyway you like. The thicker you slice it, the longer it will take to dry.
I dried this batch for about 8-10 hours. It will vary depending on how many trays you have, the temperature you set the dehydrator (I did medium), how thin/think the fruit is, and also the humidity level.
I like the fruit still slightly rubbery and chewy, but some like it more crispy...all personal preference. :) 
I store the dried fruit in mason jars. Keep air tight for freshness.
Here's a list with approximate dry times for other fruits I got from:

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Use recycled K-Cups for starting seeds!

Save money on peat pots, pellets and other containers for starting plants inside. Save K-cups and pack with seed starting dirt. I put the cups in recycled strawberry and spinach containers to create a greenhouse like container to start the seeds. Recycle, reuse, save money!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I LOVE to cook with fresh garlic. There simply isn't any better way to get that yummy garlic flavor than to use fresh garlic cloves. 9 times out of 10, I always add an extra clove (or 2!) more than what the recipe calls for. I discovered this handy tip of preserving garlic in olive oil and it really does save time in the long run. I usually peel about 2 or 3 bulbs of garlic at a time, this step does take a little time, but in the long run it's a time savor because when you're in a hurry to get dinner on the table, having the garlic cloves already peeled is one small step that makes a big difference. Why olive oil? I don't know! I cook with a lot of olive oil, so I always have it out and handy, the person I originally got the idea from used olive oil, so that's what I did. Plus, as the cloves sit in the oil, it absorbs the garlic now you not only have preserved garlic cloves on hand, but you also have garlic infused olive oil!!! Huge money savor if you were going to go out and buy infused olive oil in the store. I think you could use any oil you want, I would pick one that you are most likely to cook with so you can try garlic flavored oil. It's worth it! I peel the bulbs and add them to the jar when I'm running low and I top off the olive oil every so often as I use it. I keep the jar on my kitchen counter with my other oils so it's handy when I need it.
Now, lets talk preparing fresh garlic. I think many people don't bother taking the time to cook with fresh garlic for several reasons, a few I can think of would be: 1, why take the time to mince, slice or dice when you can just buy garlic in the jar already minced? Again, this might just be a personal preference, but I personally just think the flavor is so much better when the garlic is freshly minced. But maybe that's just me?! 2, Mincing, slicing or dicing garlic is kind of a pain and  messy. I will certainly agree with that! (That's why if the garlic is already peeled and waiting for me, that's one less step I have to deal with. Those little paper pieces from the bulbs get everywhere!) But garlic is sticky, and it's hard to mince up one little small clove with a knife...I do it when I have to, but it's a pain. So then, if you don't want to use a knife...try a garlic press or mincer.
Pampered Chef Garlic Press
Pampered Chef makes a nice garlic press, it works well for one clove at a time, it presses the garlic through tiny holes so it's all minced and ready to go and it's easy to clean. I can personally say from experience that it's worth it to pay the extra few dollars for a good quality press than getting a cheap one. You will appreciate it once you start using it.
My husband got me this little gadget for Christmas and it's honestly my favorite way to mince garlic.
 Plastic Garlic & Ginger Press Twist Mincer
It works just as well as mincing by hand or using a garlic press, I don't have to touch the garlic so my fingers don't get all sticky and it's super easy to clean, easier than the press. Plus I can mince 2-4 cloves at a time depending on how big they are as opposed to one at a time with the press.
Try a new recipe tonight with fresh might be surprised at how yummy it is, and how easy when you prepare ahead. Work smarter not harder right?!?!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pallet Cabinet

This weekend the weather was so warm that I couldn't stay inside. There is something about 60+ degree temps that help get my creative juices flowing and I want to start making stuff!!
I saw this example on Pinterest a couple weeks ago and thought it was so cool and it seemed easy enough. 

Thank you Pinterest for all the wonderful insperations!!
I got two free pallets from work last month and last weekend my friends mom gave me a free old window. 

I was just going to hang the window on my wall (again from ideas on Pinterest) but when I saw that idea to build a cabinet with the window as the door, I knew that's what I was going to do!! This project took me about 6 hours total, the most time consuming and hard work was simple tearing apart the pallets! If anyone has any tips please let me know because that was tough!! But between my husband and I we got it done, thanks for the help honey!!
I also used my husbands brad nailer and that saved a lot of time and energy. 

Here's what it looked like before I put the window on, which I think is cool just the way it is. If I wasn't set on using the window I would have left it as is and used as a book shelf. 

And here's the finished project! I added a simple hook and loop latch on the side to keep the window shut. I didn't paint this because I liked the rustic look of the pallets and the chiped paint from the window. But I do recommend that you sand the window to get any loose paint chips off because depending on how old the window is, it could be lead paint.

I put felt pads on the bottem because we have wood floors and I don't want the rough wood to scratch my floors.
This project cost me about 4 dollars because the only thing I had to actualy purchase was the hinges. Of course my time is worth something but this is like therapy to me so it was so worth it!! I'm excited to get it set up in my home and put things in it. This cabinet is the perfect addition to our home, the rustic appearance will fit right in. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Foaming Hand Soap

Who doesn't enjoy a yummy smelling hand soap?! I'm sure we have all had those foaming hand soaps from Bath and Body in our bathrooms and enjoy picking out new scents, or we have gotten them as gifts. Over the years I have gotten more selective in the scents I choose, nothing floral and perfumy, or that smells to strong. Eventually I was only getting ones like vanilla, cinnamon or lemon because I liked the more natural smells. Now that we are hearing more negative talk about anti-bacterial soap I started wondering if using these yummy smelling soaps was such a good idea. Then I read about triclosan and I really got nervous. 
Triclosan is commonly used as the anti-bacterial agent that could be found in hand soap, toothpaste, cosmetics and lotion. One article I read explained that triclosan was tested on animals and they noticed hormonal changes, so they don't recommend pregnant women to use anti-bacterial soap. So I'm thinking, if pregnant women aren't suppose to use it, I don't think anyone should! 
What's so bad about anti-bacterial soap? I'm not a scientist or doctor so don't quote me on this, but it was explained to me like this and it makes sense:
Anti-bacterial soap is designed to kill all germs, even good germs. This weakens our immune system, raising our chances of getting sick. Anti-bacterial soap works the same way antibiotics do, so we are putting antibiotics on our skin (thus into our system) several times a day. These few reasons were enough motivation for me to make a change in my home. 
Save the foaming hand soap dispencers and you're ready to make your own soap :) I peeled the labels off and scrubbed any sticky residue off with lemon essential oil and a rag then washed them with hot soapy water. 
I used Dr. Bronner's Unscented Baby-Mild Pure Castile Soap because it's scent free, this allows me to add essential oils for different yummy smells. I have also used free and clear dish soap. You can use any kind of soap you like....the choice is yours! Pour 3 tablespoons of soap into the bottle along with 10 drops of your favorite essential oil, this time I made a lavender and a Theives (blend from Young Living).
Fill the bottle the rest of the way with water.
Screw on the pump and gently shake...tada!! You have just made your own natural, foaming hand soap...and it smells amazing!
Some other essential oils you could try:
Lemon or Citrus Fresh (YL), great for the kitchen
Purification (YL)
Idaho Balsm Fir or Cedarwood, for the men!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Play with the dog.

Sometimes life just gets a little crazy.... Ok, a lot crazy. Like add some extra z's to crazzzzy.  We have tried to pack our days with as much 'stuff', activities, clubs, groups, or whatever that I think we forget about the little things, the important things. The things in our life that make us really appreciate living. Our brains never shut off and we never fully stop and....oh no don't say it! Rest. Yes that's right, rest. We get so caught up in this busy, go go go life that we have become like little working bees. Buz here, buz there. I want to take time each day to stop and listen to the birds, or watch the clouds, or even play with the dog. Oh ya, can't forget to mention playing with the dog. Take Sadie for instance, our 12 week old black labordor. 
Our adorable labordor, hey that almost rhymes. Sadie does not really know what the word stop, rest or even slow down means.  She has one speed: fast!! Yet, as crazy as this sounds, sense Sadie became part of our family, she has caused us to stop "going" so much and slow down and enjoy life a little more. How? Your thinking this doesn't make sense. If you have ever been around a lab puppy, you know that they are people pleasers, they want your full attention and praise. (Which is really great because you don't have to give them a treat every time they go wee wee outside, just lots of "good girl" is all she needs.) Anyways, my point with all this is, sense we got Sadie we have had to put down the cell phone, turn the tv off, and get down and play with her. Otherwise she will not be happy!! We have to take her outside and run with her to get some of that energy out. 
(Max and his shadow coming in from a run in the snow outside!!)
I know this isn't probably the kind of "rest" you were thinking of, but in a way it is. We are stopping all the stimulation of electronics and the go go, busy busy, rush rush we all seem to get caught up in, and we are playing wth the dog. Simple. Just throw a ball, scratch a tummy, chase a squirrel. And we've found that we are feeling more rested and refreshed because we took the time to stop and notice little things. I hope you are able to stop and rest, buy a puppy if you have too (or maybe start out with a goldfish), and look around at the life you live in and don't let it pass you by to quick. 
I promise in 20 years from now you aren't going to care who is in what relationship on Facebook, who tweeted what (what happened to real birds tweeting!!), or who won which sport game. Try something simple. Make a memory with your family. Try a crazy new ice cream flavor. Take a nap. Play with the dog.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

During my childhood, my parents worked hard to provide for our family. They saw the value of family, faith and relationships as more important than large paychecks, fancy cars and trips to Disney World. I'm not saying these things are bad, we just plain didn't have the money to fly, buy name brand clothes, or drive the newest SUV. But that didn't mean we missed out. Road trips across the country with three young kids have lasting memories! My mom made hand-me-downs fresh and I knew how to use a drill, hammer and a skill saw by the time I was 10. They believed in hard work, a simple life and cooking hot dogs around a campfire. My parents made many sacrifices for us kids growing up and I couldn't be more blessed and thankful for it now. In this day an age, people are willing to pay someone else to paint their walls and cook their food. My goal is to take the hard working ethic my parents taught me along with the importance of love and family to simplify my life and home while enjoying it at the same time. I wish to share money saving tips, healthy food ideas and easy home improvement projects. Here's to running bare foot on green grass in the summer, power tools, Kitchen-Aids, and family.