Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Play with the dog.

Sometimes life just gets a little crazy.... Ok, a lot crazy. Like add some extra z's to crazzzzy.  We have tried to pack our days with as much 'stuff', activities, clubs, groups, or whatever that I think we forget about the little things, the important things. The things in our life that make us really appreciate living. Our brains never shut off and we never fully stop and....oh no don't say it!....rest. Rest. Yes that's right, rest. We get so caught up in this busy, go go go life that we have become like little working bees. Buz here, buz there. I want to take time each day to stop and listen to the birds, or watch the clouds, or even play with the dog. Oh ya, can't forget to mention playing with the dog. Take Sadie for instance, our 12 week old black labordor. 
Our adorable labordor, hey that almost rhymes. Sadie does not really know what the word stop, rest or even slow down means.  She has one speed: fast!! Yet, as crazy as this sounds, sense Sadie became part of our family, she has caused us to stop "going" so much and slow down and enjoy life a little more. How? Your thinking this doesn't make sense. If you have ever been around a lab puppy, you know that they are people pleasers, they want your full attention and praise. (Which is really great because you don't have to give them a treat every time they go wee wee outside, just lots of "good girl" is all she needs.) Anyways, my point with all this is, sense we got Sadie we have had to put down the cell phone, turn the tv off, and get down and play with her. Otherwise she will not be happy!! We have to take her outside and run with her to get some of that energy out. 
(Max and his shadow coming in from a run in the snow outside!!)
I know this isn't probably the kind of "rest" you were thinking of, but in a way it is. We are stopping all the stimulation of electronics and the go go, busy busy, rush rush we all seem to get caught up in, and we are playing wth the dog. Simple. Just throw a ball, scratch a tummy, chase a squirrel. And we've found that we are feeling more rested and refreshed because we took the time to stop and notice little things. I hope you are able to stop and rest, buy a puppy if you have too (or maybe start out with a goldfish), and look around at the life you live in and don't let it pass you by to quick. 
I promise in 20 years from now you aren't going to care who is in what relationship on Facebook, who tweeted what (what happened to real birds tweeting!!), or who won which sport game. Try something simple. Make a memory with your family. Try a crazy new ice cream flavor. Take a nap. Play with the dog.

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